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11 Psychology of Money Tips to Build Financial Health

Money health is not one-and-done. If you want to kick ass with your finances, you need a daily financial wellness plan.
Heather Pulier
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Figuring out your finances is totally overwhelming. So I wanted to share a few things I've learned in my financial journey. Some of these are easier to implement than others: Start off slow. Integrate one a day. Or go all in—whatever you decide do it with conviction and confidence. I promise you'll begin to make more proactive and intelligent money choices in no time.

Transparency: No one can change behaviors they don't see or recognize in themselves. I like to write down how I think, feel, and behave around a specific money habit. You'll be surprised what you uncover when you really think about it. Transparency with yourself and your partner is critical. Share money questions, concerns, successes and feelings. It'll help you create a deeper financial awareness with yourself and those important to you.

Mindful Saving and Investing: Check in with yourself emotionally and give all your money choices extra consideration. Ask yourself: Am I being honest about my money habits? Is this money action serving my best interests?

Embrace Money Discomfort and Resistance: These spots will lead you where you need to heal, educate yourself and grow.

Learn by Doing: Money smarts come from taking action. Start with small amounts of risk ($100) and buy a stock or a treasury bill. Get comfortable with the language and how it works.

Boundaries: No one cares about your financial security more than you do. Be responsible for the “yes and no” of your money choices.

Self-worth: Money won't buy you love or give you self-esteem. Full stop. Remind yourself of this when you feel scared, alone, or overwhelmed. The answer is a connection with others, not more money.

Pause and Avoid Temptation. Money triggers are everywhere. The best minds in marketing, advertising, and finance work 24/7 to trigger an emotional response in you to get you to spend. Make a plan for when you go out—set limits on how much you'll spend. Understanding your triggers will save your wallet and sanity.

Financial FOMO: Do not let fear of missing out control your financial decisions. Remember that your risks are real and that only you will live with the consequences. Focus on the potential loss, not just the rewards.

Forgiveness: Forgive yourself for any past financial indiscretions or mistakes. You did the best you could at the time with the information you had.  It is time to heal and be your own best financial friend. This is a good one to practice every day.

Micro Gratitude: Acknowledge what you have. I am grateful for the banana in my morning cereal. We often spend so much time thinking about what we don't have, Try to notice the small gifts your money offers you daily.

Celebrate: Take stock of all your success and celebrate. Congratulate yourself and all your accomplishments. Chronic negative self-talk is not motivating. Be kind to yourself.